Contact Us

Welcome to Stefanos Village Hotel! Please use the form below or the contact information to get in touch.

Myrthios, Plakias, Rethymno
74060, Crete
Tel: (+30) 28320 32 252
Fax: (+30) 28320 32 253

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Route Heraklion Airport - Stefanos Village Hotel

A) After leaving the airport of Heraklion, move south for 300m and enter the main highway A90. After driving 80km, you will reach the town of Rethymno. In the second entrance of the city, leave the A90 motorway, and after 100m turn left to Spili (without entering the city).
B) Follow the main road Rethymnon - Spili and in 25km you will meet an intersection where you must turn right towards Koxare - Plakias.

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Hotel Address

Myrthios, Plakias, Rethymno
74060, Crete

(M.H.T.E.): 1041Κ032Α0120300

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